Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ahhh, deadlines.....

So, I have 37 pounds of clothes, four boxes of videos, baby walker, exersaucer, random toys, more baby stuff, a couple rugs, a bag of shoes......and I am not so much in the mood to weigh it all. I did sell a bike, it probably weighed at least 40 or 100 pounds. So, really I'm probably at my 500. And guess hasn't even dented what I need to get rid of. I'm giving myself until Monday (cause Jason is here this weekend to help me) to get my "official" 500 pounds together.....but I am nowhere near done decluttering. Seriously....we have a THREE car garage that nobody can park in....I have issues. BUT, I am admitting it....that's the first step (so I hear). Our goal is to only need one moving truck to move back to Idaho Falls, so......we continue. Besides only three of you in this world know that I failed (mostly due to my lack of weighing junk).

On a cuter is Leslie, Ridge, and Taylynn at Easter

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So are you moving back to the area??